
Soapbox: Tell us what you think

Feel like you can’t get a word in edgeways? Want to have your say? Stand up on Comment’s Soapbox, and send us your thoughts on our latest articles. We want to hear from you!

We’re now collecting comments on articles up to and including those published on the 24th August 2014. Email submissions to

Commenting on “Graduates are Falling Short of the Rising Demand for Technological Skills

This annoys me – instinctively, whenever someone talks about education that is centred around statistics and specifics and rules, I just want to scream “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE ARTS?”

As more energy and resources are devoted to increasing the technical abilities of people in STEM subjects, more resources will be pulled from more artistically creative endeavours. Society seems to be unable to remain balanced or even try and maintain some form of stability, which is resulting in the arts being increasing and consistently seen as a frivolous waste of time and energy. We’re already visually illiterate, actual illiteracy can only follow suit shortly.

Tom Rice

Commenting on “Graduates are Falling Short of the Rising Demand for Technological Skills

I agree with this article. Code is increasingly becoming a part of our everyday life, and understanding how it works is becoming vital to understanding the world around us. On top of that, teaching children to create things with code is a great way to get them excited to learn the sometimes dry maths and logic that underpin it. Not only would teaching code at a young age help to fill the job gap talked about in the article, but it could help children develop skills that help them in more traditional subjects as well.

John Kiely

Commenting on “Are you going to change careers more times than you think after graduating this summer?

Trying a few different jobs and building a diverse skill set not only helps graduates decide what they really want to focus on, but it can be great insurance in case their chosen industry gets disrupted. Putting all your eggs in one metaphorical basket is a great way to get fucked in the metaphorical arse.

John Kiely

Commenting on “The Late-Night Levy Benefits all of us

Most pubs and casual bars already do close before midnight. The places that are open after midnight are predominantly clubs where security is poor, drinks are cheap, the culture is to get drunk, get off, get home.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy clubbing every now and then, but so much crime comes out of people in clubs that it really is no surprise that more policing is needed between midnight and 6am to deal with this.

Matt Styles

Commenting on “Should the Government turn to British Universities for lessons in Multiculturalism?

Since when was tolerance a British value? There’s nothing British about it. Multiculturalism is an American ideal and equality is a Soviet one. Not that I’m arguing against these ideals, but to label them as British, I feel, is incorrect.

Max Ziemann

Commenting on “We’re all Hideous – Let us Fix it if we want

Unfortunately my conjoined twin, rather than being an “unsightly lump” under my graduation gown, is my pretty half. He tried to have me photoshopped out but thankfully my mother wouldn’t allow it.

This, however, is not enough of a safeguard. That is why, for the sake of all the ugly twins out there, I really must insist that blemish removal be banned.

N. Sightly

Commenting on “The Integration of International Students is everyone’s Responsibility

In my experience, there’s only so much that can be done about integrating international students when the students in question often actively avoid integration. There have been several occasions where I’ve participated in group projects, only to find that a member of my group will barely speak English well enough to complete their part of the public speaking component. Academic help is all very well and good, but first there should be more of an effort to make sure that incoming students have a basic command of the language.

Alan Smith

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