
Super Food Sides: Sweet Potato Fries

Do you need a scrummy side or snack? Impact Food’s sweet potato fries are not only delicious, but high in nutrients. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of Vitamin A; 1 single potato contains your entire intake for 1 day. This is great for your eyes, and for protecting your skin from UV damage. Enjoy this tasty AND healthy side dish.

Preparation: 7 minutes

Cooking: 30 minutes

Serves: 1-2

Difficulty: Easy


  • 1 Sweet Potato
  • Splash of Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  1. Wash your sweet potato and pat dry.
  2. Cut into thin, chip like slices.
  3. Coat your potato slices in olive oil and salt and pepper. Add any of your own seasoning – garlic and mixed herbs go down a treat.
  4. Put on a grill tray in the oven for 40 minutes, or if you prefer wet style fries, put in a baking tray.
  5. Once baked, remove from oven, add any additional seasoning. Impact Food recommend serving with humus, guacamole, or cream cheese dip for an extra delicious meal.

Isabel Jury

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Image credits: Betty Crocker Recipes via Flickr and Gunnar Geir Petursson via Flickr


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