• Arts Feature: Do you know the Brontë Brothers?

    Unless you are a literature student specialising in the 19th-century gothic genre – you probably aren’t familiar with the names Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell, no? Try Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë… hopefully these ring a bell (pardon the pun). The sisters are responsible for some well-known novels such...
  • Arts Investigates: Why is Anne the Forgotten Bronte Sister?

    Many of us are familiar with both Charlotte and Emily Bronte as major literary figures, however Anne is often overlooked and outshone by the success of her sisters. It is likely that you have read or studied Wuthering Heights or Jane Eyre at some stage, but why not Agnes...
  • Arty Outings: Hathersage

    If you’re looking for something better to do with your weekends than post-Ocean, all-you-can-eat vegetation sessions (as great as they are), you should head up into the Peak District for a day of strolling, pie-eating and a bit of culture. This ‘bit of culture’ can be found in Hathersage,...
  • Five Best Graphic Gothic Novels

    With the sudden clown craze and Halloween around the corner, it’s the perfect time to connect with the dark side. So to get you into the mood this Halloween, I have chosen my top 5 best graphic Gothic novels. 5 – The Woman in Black – Susan Hill The Woman...
  • Let’s Articulate #14: If Book Covers Were Honest…

    We’ve been told to never judge a book by its cover. But what if they were honest? What if book covers, and incidentally their titles, actually told us the truth about the stories they held? Would you pick them up? Impact Arts have chosen their top ten book covers, and...
  • The Secret Life Of Rochester’s First Wife

    Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea is a parallel novel to Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, following the story of Mr Rochester and Bertha Mason, his first wife who is seen in Jane Eyre mainly as the madwoman kept secretly hidden away in the attic. The connection to Jane Eyre is...
  • Arty Outings: Haworth and the Bronte Parsonage

    As an English student, and a massive lover of all things Bronte, this was a dream come true! I decided I wanted to visit the home of one of my all-time favourite authors, after reading Wuthering Heights during my A-Levels and falling in love with it. I can now...