• Women of History: Julie d’Aubigny

    With International Women’s Day just around the corner, Issy and Phoebe discuss one of history’s hidden female figures, the daring wild and talented Julie d’Aubigny. With burning convents, daggers and a bi icon, Julie is not a figure to be forgotten.  Isabelle Raikes and Phoebe Raine Featured image courtesy...
  • The Perils of Travelling Solo: Where is Safest?

    There’s something invigorating and freeing about travelling solo. That sense of excitement you felt when you were younger before taking a trip with your family is multiplied tenfold when you’re throwing yourself out into the world on your own. However, there is a dark side to travelling alone. Despite...
  • Is Victoria’s Secret outdated?

    Victoria’s Secret was founded in 1977 with a mission to change the fashion of the time for women to wear simple and ‘pragmatic’ underwear, and to leave anything more elaborate for special occasions like honeymoons and anniversaries. One of the objectives was originally to ensure that every woman, upon...
  • A Selection of Elections: Votes, Suffrage and Reform

    At the beginning of the month both myself and Georgia Butcher made our way down to Lakeside Arts for a private view of Manuscripts and Special Collections latest exhibit: ‘A Selection of Elections’. Curated by Kathryn Summerwill and officially opened by Val Wood of the Nottingham Women’s History group,...
  • Gender Neutral Toilets: ‘Not just a trans thing!’

    Recently, the Students’ Union Council held a vote for the creation of gender neutral toilets on campus, but the notion failed to achieve a sufficient majority, marginalising students who do not identify as either male or female. A referendum is now going out to all UoN students, and votes...
  • Is the contraceptive pill controlling your sexual preferences?

    When I started my biology degree at Nottingham, I wasn’t interested in learning too much about human biology. I figured I knew what was necessary and I’d let the doctors do the rest while I focused on the more fluffy and scaly aspects of the natural world. However, on...
  • That pink bus: “condescending, degrading and, frankly, almost comical”

    The total inclusion of women in the political debate is a prerequisite for a functional democracy. However, the means by which the Labour party has sought to achieve this end are inherently misguided. The “pink bus”, through which Labour has intended to connect with the female electorate, is condescending,...