• Examining The Proposal To Fine Those Who Miss GP Appointments

    In an attempt to crack down on the 15 million wasted GP appointments per year, new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak proposed a £10 fine for patients who miss appointments without a cancellation warning. Number 10 reports he has since U-turned on the idea. Impact's Maddie Dinnage reports....
  • PM Called To Resign After Twenty Fines Confirmed In Partygate Scandal

    The Downing Street 'parties' scandal has been going on for a long time and has escalated at unprecedented levels. The most recent update comes as the police have confirmed a grand total of 20 fines in the Partygate scandal. leading to calls for the PM's resignation. Impact's Hannah Walton-Hughes...
  • I filmed the Cavendish chants: here’s my perspective

    Most of you will, by now, have seen the footage and extensive media coverage of the recent chauvinistic chants led by Week One reps. You will also, as I have, read the Impact Comment article criticising the resulting disciplinary measures as “too harsh”. As the person who filmed the...
  • Punishment Is Overly Harsh For Cavendish Chants

    Recently, a video surfaced of a small number of mostly faceless people chanting sexual and explicit phrases that could be construed by some as misogynistic. Publications including Impact, the Guardian and the Daily Mail have published articles on the subject, giving rise to a debate about lad culture on...
  • Saved by the text: can short loan fines be avoided?

    For most students, the University libraries are a vital resource, and it can often seem that we are not getting much else for our £9,000. When using the library we have probably all been frustrated at some point by two things: people not returning books on time and being...