• Photo of a large pile of coal and yellow digger's picking it up

    Day 4 COP26: The Future Of Energy

    Rian Patel takes Impact through the events of COP26 Day 4 - the day dedicated to discussing energy and it's impact on climate change....
  • image shows powerplants pumping out smog

    Slippery Business: Oil Companies and Their Climate Commitments

    Alice Nott Many oil companies such as Shell have been blamed for climate change, with energy being the biggest contributor to the UK’s carbon emissions. However, with mounting pressure many of these companies have made commitments to reduce their carbon output and even go carbon neutral. But should we...
  • Shell Blaming Consumers Is Not The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

    When is the last time Burger King accused you of ruining the NHS for risking obesity? Remember when Farm Foods told you to mind your methane footprint, or Primark blamed its customers for supporting inhumane working conditions in developing countries. Doesn’t ring a bell? Well, it never happened....
  • Earth Is (Yet Again) Under Threat From The Trump Administration

    Ryan Keane Extinction Rebellion and animal conservation protests are commonplace these days – and for good reason. Corporate greed means people are putting short-term profit maximisation and easily accessible energy above a healthy climate and earth. Ryan James Keane reports how the Trump administration, with an extensive history of...
  • ESJN hosts debate concerning whether the University of Nottingham should divest from fossil fuels

    On Wednesday 27th April, Impact attended a debate held at University Park in which the matter of fossil fuel divestment was discussed. The event was hosted by The Environment & Social Justice Network (ESJN) of the University of Nottingham Students’ Union, in conjunction with the University and was chaired...
  • Cradle to Cradle: The Circular Economy

    A project to transform not just the fundamentals of our economic system, but also the psychological outlook of the world’s population on the products we consume may seem overtly ideological and indeed quixotic. However, this is the daunting task which is perceived as an exciting opportunity by those that...
  • Impact Climate Monthly: Divestment and Delocation

    As part of a monthly online feature, Impact Science will be investigating the latest news, projects and discoveries in the battle to prevent substantial climate change. Academic institutions are hubs for activism, fostered by their tradition of critical thinking. Nowhere is this more prevalent than at Nottingham, which is...